Public Spaces Stories

This series of stories was the result of a process of working with individuals from communities across Cape Town on their experience and use of public space during COVID-19. Funded by the Heinrich Boll Foundation and published over 6 weeks in the Daily Maverick print and online editions. Photos by Ashraf Hendricks.

Read the stories below and see a video with voices on public spaces in a post-covid urban Africa.

Responding to Covid at street level: Working with love to feed hungry children in Imizamo Yethu
Wheel-life solution: How Covid-19 made Khayelitsha woman rethink what makes a space public
On crop of the world: Cape Town neighbours plant seeds of hope during Covid-19
Art in public spaces: Letting Cape Town’s walls talk
Better in the long run: How a migrant businessman found the ‘essentials of life’ on the streets of Bellville
Navigating Cape Town in a wheelchair: A daily act of protest

Public Spaces in a post-covid urban Africa

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